Precise Future

Pastry El Riojano Web

In this project, the design and development of the WordPress website of the El Riojano Pastry Shop was carried out.

Initial situation

At the time of starting this project, the client had a website but was not satisfied with the design it had and even more importantly, although he hoped to be able to alleviate the burden of telephone sales thanks to his website, the payment gateway did not reach be fully integrated. At that time the company they worked with had begun the integration with Redsys but they had not been able to complete it. On the other hand, the shopping experience on the site did not correspond to what the client wanted to offer, their intention was that online customers would have as many options to configure their order as in the physical store and the design and configuration of WooCommerce in the moment was very far away.


We carried out a detailed requirements assessment, from which we came to the conclusion that the hosting that was contracted at the time would not be sufficient to support the workload and functionalities requested by the client. Taking into account some non-functional requirements added to the company's brand identity, a wireframe and an approximate visual proposal were developed. With both approved by the client, the development of the website began.

The site was created on a new Lightsail instance and a partial database migration was performed to take advantage of the products already on the original website. Part of the creation of the product variations that the client needed was automated to improve the online shopping experience.

Throughout the development process the client had access to the new site, so we were able to receive continuous feedback. Due to its ease of integration, it was decided to use Stripe as a payment gateway.



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