Precise Future

Web traffic grows in pastry shops in Madrid

SEMrush data shows how web traffic has grown in Madrid pastry shops from 2012 to 2022. We have analyzed the organic web traffic data of 22 Madrid pastry shops whose websites are among the most visited. These are the results.

Total annual web traffic growth

The number of organic visits per year has grown from 133 thousand in 2012 to 2 million in 2021.

Several years are observed such as 2013, 2015, 2017 where the annual growth rate did not exceed 10%. However, the rest of the years traffic grows at a higher rate than 15% per year. The years 2018 stand out with a growth rate of 140% and 2014 with a 78%.

As of 2018, sustained growth and a higher average than the previous five years can be seen.

In summary, the data shows a sustained growth in the number of visits to the websites of pastry shops in Madrid.

Web traffic share per bakery

The data shows that six pastry shops in Madrid attract 82% of the total web traffic of the market niche.

The site stands out, attracting 44% of the total annual web traffic. This difference can also be seen in the graph of annual web traffic per bakery.

The site is the oldest of the group. It is also the one that ranks best among Google results for a greater number of keywords.

Ranking of 22 pastry shops in Madrid

If we order the 22 Madrid bakeries included in this study by the number of average monthly visits in the last 12 months, this is the ranking we obtain.

Main keywords of the sector

The keywords that attract the most visits to the sites of pastry shops in Madrid are, in the first place, those related to the brands Mallorca, mallorquina, Viena Capellanes, Celicioso, etc. However, every month thousands of visitors search by product and search by sector. For example, they search for San Marcos cake and bakeries near me.

This type of search does not generate branded traffic and is attracted to the top ranking sites for those keywords regardless of whether your brand is not well known.

Therefore, once again it is necessary to insist on SEO, Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimization. In this case, tools like SEMrush allow us to carry out keyword studies for the sector.

The above table shows six keywords that have a difficulty lower than 30 and a volume greater than 4400. Among those six keywords, 56 thousand monthly visits are generated. Therefore, any bakery, no matter how small, if it has product or category pages optimized for any of these keywords has the opportunity to attract thousands of visits each month.

Sites like celicioso and balbisiana began their journey in 2017 and have managed to place themselves among the five most visited. This is undoubtedly achieved with a good study of keywords that shows those where there is a positioning opportunity. In addition, with an SEO strategy that allows continuous improvement of organic positioning.

Pastry shops near me

The family of keywords bakeries near me, bakeries near me and similar keywords attract a volume of more than 80 thousand monthly searches. It seems that pastry-mallorca, pastrylamallorquina and viennacapellanes do not need to rank for these keywords. Because they have very well positioned brands. However, it is these pastry shops that have precisely positioned themselves for those keywords. This allows them to increase traffic each month by attracting visitors who are not yet loyal to any bakery.

On the contrary, other pastry shops are wasting the opportunity to position themselves for searches of the type near me in Madrid.

It is very important to note that SEMrush classifies searches such as pastry shops near me as transactional searches, which means that the visitor has purchase intentions. How then are we not going to position the site for those keywords?

Precise Future Proposal

Precise Future proposes to update this web traffic report for Madrid pastry shops at least quarterly, so that we can evaluate the results of the SEO strategy of Madrid pastry shops.

If any bakery in Madrid has an average monthly visit in the last 12 months of more than 100 monthly visits and has not been included in this report, please send an email to Precise Future to include it in the next edition.


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