Precise Future

The latest research on website speed and user behavior

Research has consistently shown a strong relationship between website speed and user behavior. Here are some of the latest findings on this topic:

  • Increased load time leads to decreased engagement: A Google study found that when the load time of a page increases from 1 second to 3 seconds, the probability of abandonment (users leaving the website) increases by a 32%. If the charge time increases from 1 second to 6 seconds, the drop chance increases by a 106%.
  • Slow websites lead to lower conversion rates: An Akamai study found that a 100-millisecond delay in website load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversion rates. This means that even small improvements in website speed can have a significant impact on conversion rates.
  • Mobile users have less tolerance for slow websites: A Google study found that mobile users have less tolerance for slow-loading websites compared to desktop users. 53% of mobile users will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  • Faster websites lead to higher user engagement: An Unbounce study found that increasing website speed from 5 seconds to 2 seconds resulted in a 56% increase in conversions. This indicates that faster websites can lead to higher user engagement and ultimately increased revenue.
  • Website speed affects user perception of a brand: A Kissmetrics study found that 79% of users who experience website performance issues are less likely to make a purchase on the same site again. This suggests that website speed can have a significant impact on user perception of a brand.

In summary, the latest research on website speed and user behavior shows that slow websites lead to decreased engagement, lower conversion rates, and negative user perception of the brand. On the other hand, faster websites lead to higher user engagement, higher conversion rates, and positive user perception towards the brand. It is essential to consider site speed when designing and optimizing websites for the best results.


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