I am looking for the best hosting for my digital business. I have gathered in a database 4450 opinions in Spanish about 14 hosting companies. This allows me to know the average rating that these customers give to each company as a whole. But it also allows me to know the average rating given to each company for each aspect that interests me.
This way I can find answers to questions like:
what is the best hosting for wordpress, php or mysql?
Which hosting gets the best average rating for its customer service or which is the best hosting for a woocommerce store?
What is the best hosting to monetize a blog?
It is as if instead of settling for one opinion or a second opinion, I have the opportunity to consult 4450 opinions about hosting companies. I present these results, because they can be useful to other entrepreneurs in their search for the best hosting. But I declare that I am not an affiliate of any hosting company and that these results do not constitute any purchase recommendation.
This is ongoing research and I am very interested in reading comments and opinions on these results. The business that I plan to create is precisely a business of recommending the products and services necessary to create a digital business.
But I will only recommend the best products and services that result from this research that can last a year and will be updated every three months.
The data used
You can consult on Trustpilot the 4450 opinions in Spanish that I have extracted from the 14 companies that I include in the following table.

The table shows the average rating and the number of reviews for each business. My goal is to continue including opinions in Spanish from the more than 200 hosting companies that offer services.
I want to create a site where an entrepreneur can find the best hosting for his project. For this, you can choose the aspects to assess according to the requirements of your digital business.
Of course the first place I am going to test this tool is in my project.
The consultation procedure
The consultation procedure consists of selecting for each aspect a set of keywords that people use to write about said aspect. For example, wordpress or wp are used to refer to the same CMS. Another example web, page, site are used to refer to the website.
Then select the reviews that have any of the keywords and average the ratings of these reviews. This way I get an average rating for each aspect.
What is the best hosting for wordpress?
In the following table I show the results for the query:

As you can see for each company, only the opinions that the words wordpress or wp have are averaged and a new ranking is obtained.
This ranking shows that there are still too few opinions in the database to make a significant statistical evaluation.
But Webempresa with 5.0 and 11 opinions, and SiteGround with 4.7 and 16 opinions are already emerging as the two best hosting for WordPress projects.
Remember that none of these results is conclusive.
I'm just showing the potential of a smart shopping tool for an entrepreneur.
What is the best hosting to register a domain?

From their own negative opinions we know that there are hosting companies that are not official domain registrars. In these cases they offer the service, but they go to an official registrar and the results are not always good.
Again there is very little data for most companies. But it can be seen that Hostinger, GoDaddy and SiteGround get the best reviews when it comes to domains.
Results of the consultations carried out
I am not going to overwhelm you with results that are not of interest to you.
I would rather you write to me and tell me what aspects you are interested in evaluating in these data.
I will gladly give you my answer, because it helps me to further improve this business intelligence tool.